Monday, May 5, 2008

When you do not know the answer

Client emails me last week: "thanks for coming over on such short notice this morning. I forgot to ask you if there is a way I can tell from my AOL mail if someone has received my email"
My fantasy answer: No and I don't care.
In reality I used an actual AOL account (my Mom's) and could find no where to affect a read receipt. Pundits say it is possible but that AOL ignores read receipts to non-AOL addresses.
What a surprise!
I kindly suggested my client go to Outlook with her AOL address, if she would like that feature.

So far all A's in MySQL. I like it, I sort of get, the teacher is super lenient. The teacher now, though is off on the integrating MySQL into Php, which is great but I would like to learn a bit more about MySQL, like report writing and more complex queries. I will definitely take the next class.

Workwise, if you hire someone to spruce up the database you have been juggling around, as well as do the things you are unable to do, and that database does not work, should not they fix it and not leave me in a bind?

I should get to work.