Monday, January 28, 2008


I had to quit a consulting gig today. I have worked with this particular company for the seven months and it has become increasingly uncomfortable and quite honestly, irritating. They are poor communicators and even poor planners which makes my job, as their IT consultant, near impossible. The worst part is the lack of information conveyance leads me to do a half-assed job and then, then, they are pissed off at me. The hardest about IT consulting is the lack of ESP that I have. It renders me "incompetent" in the eye of the beholder. But worse still, is what this does to my self esteem. I like to do a good job and I like to make the end user happy. Not this time.
I am quite sure I need a glass of wine and day to digest this.

A year ago I left another consulting gig, actually I was a regular employee. I helped start the company and was there for four years. By far, that was a worse situation than my recently departed although they were similar in the involved personalities. Although neither of the "difficult ones" would ever see that.

I made up my mind quite some time ago that there was only so much abuse I could take. I can't live like the kicked dog in the corner. I am here to help and help I will to the best of my ability.

Good luck with the Geek Squad kids, I have gone to find someone that knows what they need.

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