Wednesday, January 23, 2008


Some days the stapler gives me trouble.

I am taking a MySQL class, had the first one last week. Seems like it will be good, the instructor says he is a "nuts and bolts kind of guy". This means not a lot of time in front of the computer, but a lot of time in lecture. He goes fast. I use Access regularly and have taken C++ (that made me certifiably insane for four months). I thought today that I would crack open that Northwind DB in Access. Work is a little slow today. Access is denying the existence of SQL server, fucker. Wait:
run/services.msc/SQL Server Browser, change to Automatic, Start. That better now?

I had two of those french panini sammies today. One for breakfast, one for lunch. Simply ham and cheese and some token butter because the ham and cheese don't have enough fat in them right? Those sammies rule, exception, not norm nor habit.

We are making fish, brown rice and some greens for dinner, gotta be good for at least part of the day.

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