Friday, February 15, 2008

Nail on the Head, so to speak

now, this is good
hope they don't mind me putting this here

It's Friday, I am listening to Ghostland Observatory. Not that listening to Ghostland Observatory is a Friday thing, it is just what I am doing right now.
Oh and working.

Shrimp Dip (concocted sitting in the car driving up north for the weekend. Note: this is not a diet plate).
1 lb. shrimp (minus what your brother steals when your back is turned)
1/2 c. sour cream
1/2 c. cream cheese
1 T. Tapatio or other habanero/jalepeno hot sauce
4 T. grated yellow onion
salt and pepper to taste
juice from 1/2 lemon or more if you really like lemon

Mix it all together with a fork
Stick it in the fridge for about an hour
Serve with French bread, carrot, celery

Delete, Delete, I Eat Meat. This the name of the Ghostland Observatory album I am listening to. It rocks.

Observations on MySQL 5.0. Everyone says it is a much better product than previous versions. I dig it, as an Access user of many moons, it is nice to get in and dig in. Writing queries has taken on new meaning in that you can see what you are writing, actually asking the program to do as well as understand what is going to happen as you are writing it. Delicate desire of the command line over the GUI right? I like them both but hey I believe in God and evolution so shoot me. Point is, like cooking as to opposed to just eating, I get to know what is going in and that is just delightful. I can control what I want to see and I can manipulate the code as opposed to getting some error message about something I did not enter and cannot fix.

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