Thursday, February 7, 2008


The wind sort of went out of my sails on this issue. Not to say it is less important, because it might be the most important issue. I think Stupor Tuesday did me in. I fear four years of McCain. Don't let it be. Eight years with the "idiot" was too many. There was no good there and I cannot tolerate another president who will spend four years justifying our presence in the Middle East. Fuck him. The only way to fully defeat their collective mentality on the Middle East is to reduce our reliance on oil. No small feat there kiddies, eh? Okay so there's my segueway to renewability. That was not a word and now it is...ha!
Without the rhetorical definition like last time, we know that renewable energy is energy from sources that naturally renew themselves, like wind, solar, geothermal, hydro. Wiki says that renewable energy accounted for 13% worldwide in 2005 with 52% of that being from hydroelectic. 7% is the number for the United States use of renewable energy. Shit, we can do a lot better than that, and that number is two years old. So what I do? It has to be everyone doing their part, as well as all those companies doing their part. I ride my bike to work most days, I compost and reuse my compost in le garden. I recycle everything. I live with a recycle nazi who keeps me in check. I try to be super conscious of waste and try desperately not to waste. I have noticed that my level of consumption in the form of needless crap has greatly decreased over the years. I used to think it was because I am poor but I also think I am just more aware of what I really need and don't need. And I have a ton of crap already, can't contribute to the landfill anymore, even though there is some super cute shit out there for the kiddies in my life. If only Trader Joes did not use so much plastic for their packaging! The other day I bought one of those rice bowls. The bowl is plastic, wrapped in cardboard label which is fine but then you remove the plastic from the bowl, lift up the hyper-paper-plastic bowl cover and inside is a the sauce packet, the oil packet, the freeze dried veggie thing, all in plastic. Just a small amount, really but a shitload of people eat these and similarly wrapped ramen type of meals because they are cheap and easy and better than McDonald's. And it all goes to the plastic island. Think, think thinking.

But getting back to the Presidency. I, like a lot of us, want to see a Democrat in there. Either Hillary or Obama would be fine, better than McCain. But if it comes to McCain or one of them, will the public sway in favor of a democrat or will the "willful ignorant" prevail. An interesting statistic would be to see how many of each party are in the voting pool.

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